First Timer (2)

So we took our breath, and waiting for angkot to come. Ugh they offered us an irrational price ever. And finally, one of them decided to go with the super best price (though it’s still expensive). About 40 mins we arrived at Pertigaan and we chose the Papandayan, where there’s also Cikuray mount and another mount in the same path.

Before you travel to another places. And before we continued our journey to the peak of this mountain. For me, I am not a peak-hunter. I just wanted to feel the sensation with nature. Ah.

For me, though another people say that Papandayan is very perfect for a beginner, but still.. I think that my level is lower than any beginner. I feel soooooo tired and oh my breath 😦 Maybe it’s because i didnt do any exercises like running or any sports, so I felt like “Okay okay hold on, Fan. You have to try. You’re strong enough, and when you’re really tired, you can stop for awhile and rest.” And I was like the most lucky person on earth to have such wonderful friends around to go on a special place like this. They’re Alfi, Bedul, Mas Tri, Vito, Mbak Winda, Mbak Verlita and of course my only brother Fariz who helped me a lot in this journey.

Like when there’s a wild boar next to me, they really helped me! *sarcastic*
Like when there’s a bunch of motorcycles–what the heck theyre doing in a mount?!–and oh god i couldnt describe it by words.

First Timer (2)

First Timer (1)

Just call me a lazy, super lazy girl to do some sports. I mean, I already called it sports when I have to move my body from one place to another. When I’m running for the train that already came and I dont wanna ended up waiting for another one (well because only God know when’ll the others come after).

So, it was like a peaceful day when one of my friends asked me to climb a mountain! Well he really asked me, no kidding and I was like “YES YES I WANNA JOIN OF COURSE” My first thinking was, it’s just Papandayan Mount, who has been famous because it’s for beginner climber (like me!) because people said that the tracks arent really difficult as the others and you’ll got bonus at the top. Bonus yes, Edelweiss!

My friend also asked me to do some training like running or stretching or anything. But I am so busy that week (Just an excuse, but 75% true) So i didnt even do running!

That day..
Yes we agreed to depart at Kampung Rambutan Terminal in East Jakarta so I have to tagged on a Transjakarta with my brother, who also joined this event, lucky me that i didnt have to bring super big daypack haha :p I only got two shirts, sleeping bag, head pillow, sarong Bali, beanies, powerbank, extra socks, and sweater! And of course a MONOPOD! (But it just stayed up in my bag cause im too lazy to use the monopod)

Friday afternoon, at 6pm, we departed and it was like hell. All buses getting full by the comuter people so i felt like a sardinese fish in a can full of another fishes. Even i couldnt feel my leg because it’s too damn full. And, i have to transit in 2 other shelters TT

It took up almost 3 hours because the fcking jam everywhere!! And i hv to stand still on that corner and praying for the best.

Then arrived (yay), and waiting for the others. After we all 8 people gathered, so we chose the bus, there’s a bus which’s ready to depart and i forgot the name but it’s THE MOST UNCOMFORTABLE BUS EVER EVER THAT I HAVE EVER TRIED! I mean, it’s too tight and the chair is toooooo damn hard to sit. And i couldnt lean my head on the chair because it’s too short and my neck… Ugh! Even the driver drove it like a drunk man! Hate him 😦 and we finally arrived at Garut Terminal at 3am in the morning, so cold and dark. Wish to get some sleep on the bench and waiting for morning to grab an angkot to take us to-Pertigaan-i dont know the name.

One song that become our theme song in this trip is… Sakitnya Tuh Di Sini- by Cita Citata Well this song kept echoing in our mind like forever.. Everywhere we go, since it just become a hit song in here so everybody just keep playing again and again and again.



First Timer (1)


Divisi Dana Usaha dalam suatu organisasi biasanya adalah satu divisi yang paling gue hindarin dalam suatu kepanitiaan. Udah pernah pengalaman sih sekali, makanya gak mau lagi haha! Sebenernya asyik sih tapi gimana ya pressure nya tinggi. Ngga dapet dana, acara gak jalan. Ngga mungkin ngutang juga kan acaranya.

Beragam ide danus yang banyak dilakuin sama gue dan temen-temen di kampus kayak (1) Jualan kue di kelas pake box (kalo masuk kelas ada yg nenteng ginian pasti dia lg ngedanus, kadang ada dosen baik yang ngebeliin semuanya dan buat dimakan di kelas, dan sekelas langsung ngedoain yang baik-baik buat si mas/ mbak dosen) Paling males kalo dagangan nggak abis, tapi harus abis jadi palingan ngasih diskon dan sisanya si tukang danus yang nombok, atau bahkan si tukang danus yang ngebayarin semuanya #ngenes, (2) Jadi penonton bayaran! Ini sih namanya ladang duit, pernah ikut sekali dua kali, lumayan sih transport ditanggung, (kadang) dapet makan nasi box, duduk jadi penonton, tepok tangan dan ketawa sampe gila kalo disuruh sama FD (Floor Director-pengarah di studio saat on air), dan udah gitu dikasih duit. Tanpa perlu usaha keras haha kecuali ketawa keras dan agak maksa, putusin urat malu #tips (3) Garage Sale; jualan baju yang kita bekas pakai (tapi udah dicuci juga sih) dan juga beragam hal dengan harga murah di pasar pagi biasanya kayak Juanda atau pasar kaget gitu. Untungnya juga lumayan karena gak pake modal, cuma butuh mintain baju dari para panitia dan malesnya adalah biasanya garage sale Minggu pagi, iya Minggu dan super pagi. Malesnya udah diubun-ubun. Karena kalo kesiangan udah gak dapet lapak dan orang-orang udah pada pulang olahraga pagi.

Dan karena biasanya ngedanus itu ciri khas dari kepanitiaan, yang bleeding gak punya duit buat bayar ini itu, sekarang gue lagi mulai danus, tapi buat diri sendiri dengan bersama dua temen gue; Veve Aufa. Caranya dengan jualan segala yang bisa dijual (insya Allah halal haha)

Buat apaan sih?

Apalagi kalo bukan, bekal jalan-jalan.

Demi liburan ceria kita rela nyari duit daripada dimarahin emak bapak gara-gara minta duit mulu padahal udah seharusnya cari uang sendiri. Doakan kita ya guys! Yang mau beli danusan kita, dengan senang hati banget loh ditunggu yaw 😉


So! Im just getting addicted with make up stuffs lately, after watching some Youtube videos about beauty bloggers and i was like “OH MY GOD WHERE HAVE I BEEN!” Okay so Im in this 20s (okay almost 21), i rarely use any skin care products. I only do some moisturizing cream before going out, body lotion and put some baby powders! Aha! Komodo baby powders is my only baby on earth! Its like my life saver *hugs*
What’s the cause?
Yeah, lazy. Or tooooooo damn lazy. I mean i gotta move my butts every morning (when i have class on 8am) so i need to wake up at 6.45 and cuddling again in my blanket for 5 mins then bathing. So it’s 7am! After that, choosing my shirts in the cupboard then grab some breakfasts (like super fastly fast!) Then im gonna run into angkot and trains every morning. So i dont have time to do some touch ups on my face and i dont have any courage to wake up before 6.45 (i know im sleepyhead)
Yes everybody’s changing and i still be the same (no not that song) I wanna change too! So here I am. Trying to wake up early and do some simple basic make ups before going to campus! Ish such a lazy routines, but wish for a better future haha!
(Even i just bought a Garnier BB Cream)
(And Bobbi Brownd brushes)
(And SilkyGirl pen eyeliner)
(And Original Source Body Butter)
(And. Garnier Night Cream)
Okay im getting really crazy with this stuffs but i enjoyed it (and trying to love it, wish me luck!)
So here’s my first post in November! Wish to read yours too 😉