Dokum Foto di Sum-Bar!

Iseng posting foto-foto selama di Bukittinggi dan Payakumbuh 😀
Ini di Kebun Binatang deh kayaknya 
landscape kota Bukittinggi 
Jam gadang nih!
Pink sky!
Main-main ke Ngalau Indah di Payakumbuh!
Di pintu keluar Ngalau Indah
Lembah Harau, finally!
Ini di kawasan Istana Pagaruyung juga
 di depan gang menuju kebun binatang
 akhirnya punya foto di depan jam gadang!!
di jalan abis dari Istana Pagaruyung 
 Depan Istana Pagaruyung, 1 kata: PANAS!! (jangan lupa bawa payung!)
 Istana Pagaruyung neeeh
Duren banyak banget -___-
Langit merah muda di sekitar Jam Gadang
Roti Pao Sopo Nyono! (Siapa Sangka)
Udah ada bacaannya ah..
Ini di sekitar Janjang Koto Gadang juga.. ada warung
Gaya dikit di Janjang Koto Gadang
Indomie terenak euy
Siap-siap mau pulang!
Dokum Foto di Sum-Bar!

Lucu itu Relatif

Hobi gue apa sih? Gue aja bingung, tapi gue mendapat ide baru untuk nulis nih, tentang apa yang lagi gue suka kalo lagi jalan atau lagi pergi atau mungkin di rumah. Kadang ada hal-hal yang menurut orang itu biasa aja, tapi menurut gue lucu, ya seperti judul yang gue tulis, lucu itu relatif. Jadi, di post kali ini gue mau ngepost foto-foto iseng gue yang menurut gue lucu (gapapa kok kalo menurut lo ga lucu, kan relatif hahahaha :p)

Foto pertama, agak bingung sih mendseskripsikan dengan kata-kata eaaaa. Liat aja di gambarnya, ini gue nemu di salah satu supermartket, entah apa yang membuat si mbak mbak SPGnya naro label dengan merk yang beda di satu produk -___- ngantuk ya mbak?
 Ciyus miapa gue ngakak loh liat papan ini LOL iya sih gue tau basa inggris gue gak bagus-bagus amat, tapi ini……………………….. aaaaaaaaaaa terkesan kayak nama penyanyi dangdut deh.. jatuh bangun aku mengejarmu…uuu…uuu *plak*
 Oke ini menurut gue lucu, hanya lucu, karena unusual. Seperti logonya, ini kereta ekonomi Jakarta-Bogor. Tapi bentuknya kok begini yak? Hahahha pas pertama kali gue naik kan udah keliatan dari ujung gitu yak, gue kirain kereta apaan, atau mungkin kai baru beli shinkansen huakkakaka kocak paraah. Tapi dalemnya enaak, kayak baru gt masih kinclong, terus kipasnya pada nyala semua dong 😀 adeeemmm, ga sauna deh hohoho
 Kalo yang ini gue nemu waktu gue ke Jogja kemaren, tapi gue lupa ini tepatnya di daerah mana -__- gue berhasil moto ini di tengah-tengah kemacetan looh *senang* namanya unik banget! Menurut gue akan cepet diinget orang nih yang kayak gini-gini, kayak kata bang napi “waspadalah, waspadalah!”
 Pulang Malu gak pulang rindu~~ aku juga rindu bang. Paansih hahah ini tuh tukang bakso loh seriusan. Waktu gue ke Jogja kmrn kan nginepnya di Wates tempat sodara, sore-sore iseng eh ada tukang bakso yaudah panggil aja, murah bgt cuma goceng! banyak lagi enak lagi heuekeke tapi ini entah tagline atau slogan atau pemicu semangat atau mungkin… curahan hati si abang bakso (gue keceplosan manggilnya bang bang tuh abang ga nengok dan gue baru inget kalo itu ga di Jkt jadi giliran gue panggil mas mas, baru nengok, kamvreedzz)
Tante gue manggil kan, terus ngebaca tulisan ini, langsung deh tuh iseng nanya “emang mas ga pulang-pulang?” wanjeeeeer gue nahan tawa parah bangeet, mana si abang masnya mukanya innocent KW super, cuma cengar cengir nunduk gitu malu. Weyoloh bang, ngalahin bang Toyib nih ceritanya? :p
 Satu hal yang gue kaget waktu masuk wilayah di desa itu adalah, harga laundry cuma 2000!!! Iya D-U-A R-I-B-U. Itu nyucinya pake air apaan ya? *kenapadipikirincobafan* itu murah banget, banget, kalo di Jakarta kayak gitu gue ga pernah nyuci kali yak hahahah mungkin udah jadi menantunya yang tukang laundry huakakakaka murah beneeeer sih ah.
 Owkay, what do you think about this pict? Gue nemu ini waktu ada Pameran barang-barang jadul di Blok M Mall. Terus waktu gue lagi liat-liat eh nemu foto ini di frame gitu, pengen gue beli tapi yang ada dimarahin emak gue beli beginian hahaha akhirnya gue foto aja deh, tuh yang ceking gak boleh smoking, entar di smacking loh hahahaha

 Keren banget dan kreatif! Snack aja bisa anti galau, tuh buat orang-orang yang suka galau, mending makan nih snack. Tulisannya aja Snack Asyik ANTI GALAU!!!Ini ciki dibawa sama ponakan gue si Adli yang masih umur 4 tahun, makan sambil nenteng-nenteng, pas gue tanya “Adli kamu makan apa?” dengan enteng dia jawab “ciki galau ci” (ci itu gue dipanggil cici sama dia padahal gue gada keturunan etnis Cina, tapi dia ngotot manggil cici, gapapalah daripada dipanggil tante). Gue pun jadi galau pas si Adli makan ciki galau rasa coklat. Ciki anak sekarang udah terlalu berkembang pesat, kayaknya gue dulu cuma makan anakmas atau cikibol yg rasa keju, atau miegemezz, sekarang udah ada ciki galau, gile ndrooo.

 Keliatan gak tulisannya? LAMBAT TAPI PASTI. Biasa aja ya? Gak lucu ya? Coba deh diperhatiin itu ada gambar apa…. Suka ngga ngerti lagi. Ini gambar gue nemu di metromini waktu mau ke rumah Karina di Duren Sawit. Dengan isengnya gue langsung moto hm hmmm

Kayaknya kita terlalu kreatif dalam mengembangkan sebuah brand ahahaha ini gue foto waktu lagi di jalan mau kemana ya lupa, pokoknya di daerah Mampang situ, lagi macet eh di samping gue ada abang-abang pake tas ini, pertama biasa aja eh pas gue liat brandnyaaaaaa engingeng. Bisa dilihat sendiri kelanjutannya :p

Menurut gue ini gambarnya serem, jahat sih tapi mesti banget yak gambar kayak gini di tempat makan, ya walaupun warung pinggir jalan sih, tapiii kenapa penggambaran seorang koki yang sedang dibangun oleh beberapa stasiun tv berbeda dengan apa yang ada di gambar ini? Oh oh oh. Dan warungnya panaaaas banget ga ada kipas angin hikssss

Gambar yang terakhir ini gue foto di toilet di salah satu gedung, tapi gue lupa gedung apaan. Oke gue tau itu emang ga boleh jongkok, tapi gambarnya ga nahan banget ituuuu. Dan tulisannya “demi keselamatan anda” Tuh diinget tuh kalo di kloset duduk ya duduk, kloset jongkok ya jongkok. Jangan kebalik, inget demi keselamatan anda!

So, sekian gambar-gambar iseng yang pernah gue jeprat jepret pake hape kesayangan gue yang imut imut tapi ngambek mulu. Semoga lo semua (gaul) pada kehibur, syukur-syukur kalo pada ketawa. Mayan dapet pahala yak amin amin. Gak ada niat untuk mendiskreditkan satu pihak, hanya untuk share iseng semata 😀
Lucu itu Relatif

Dieng, Dieng–A Place Called Home Part 2

How was the trip? Asked one of my friends. I just responded with laugh, and here’s the story!
When i arrived at Faid’s house, it was dark (yeah it’s already night) because his house is located around 1800 m above the sea levels so it takes about 1 hour from the market. Oh ya, it was so damn cold, like that “cold” cold that i have seen in movie. Here’s the picts:


 Gardu Pandang Dieng

We went to sleep at 10pm because we have to wake up early tomorrow morning to catch the sunrise. So damnnnnn cold, i even worn 2 jackets and 3 blankets and it’s still cold!

At 5am, Faid knocked our room to prepare ourselves and get ready for sunrise! Whoooa the coldness like i dont wanna touch and feel the water. Then, Faid’s mom has prepared us warm tea and cookies, i ate them all LOL

We went to Gardu Pandang Dieng by motorcycle, 1 motorcycle tagged by 3 people ehehehe because only Faid who can ride it :p i was eager to catch it since Faid told us that it’s golden sunrise and it’s so beautiful but im afraid if we’re late! Since it’s almost morning! But luckily, we still get it! Here’s the picts:

How was it? Very beautiful right? I was lucky to have an abilty to view this moment 😀

Dieng, Dieng–A Place Called Home Part 2

Dieng, Dieng, Dieng–A Place Called Home Part 1

See me again yeaaayyy. Entah kenapa kalo abis jalan bawaannya pengen sharing terus, biar yang lain bisa tau tentang tempat itu. Nah kemarenan, tanggal 26-27 November 2012 untuk pertama kalinya gue ga lebaran di rumah (malah di jalan) menuju suatu tempat yang bernama Dieng! Iya Dieng yang itu bener 🙂

What comes to your mind when I say 15 degree Celcius? It must be so damn cold! (in a tropical country if course) So this is it, the 2nd highest highland in the world! Dieng, yep it’s in Indonesia, exactly in Wonosobo, Central Java. IT’s a coincidental trip, honestly. In Friday, one of my friend, Uti, asked me wheter i wanna join her to Dieng or not on Thursday. Well, it’s like “What the hell is she thinking in the middle of mid test? Is she drunk? LOL” But, i was getting curious about it, it’s like my mind is breaking into two pieces, stay in Jakarta or join her to Dieng.
Dieng is a famous place but i havent been there before, and it’s like 4 day off from Thursday to Sunday. After i decided to go there, i asked my parents and they allowed me with my own risks, yayyyy the show must goes on!

3 day before the day come, my friend, Faid, who’s come from Dieng and we’re planning to stay in his house, booked us the tickets to Wonosobo by Sinar Jaya, depart from Pasar Minggu. Well, I was so excited! And coincidentally again, i got a take home test from my lecture to take a sunrise photo for my mid test, it’s like “wow”~!

On Wednesday, i packed my things up, all done, the jackets, cardigan, gloves, mask, warm hat (checked). Im ready to go to Dienggg, feel the coldness~~~

At 4 o’clock, we departed from our campus in Depok to go to Pasar Minggu by angkot, at that I felt that something’s wrong but i didnt know what it is. And damdamdam *drums rolling* i and Uti didnt get the tickets! Fakkkk! I feel soo limp, like, i have packed all my things and the tickets to go there just flew away. Faid and 5 of his friends who came from Dieng got the tickets, but they’ll stay stand and they offered me to buy one but i wont go by stand up for almost 12 hours. A super no! I know that im a lil arrogant but i just dont wanna sacrifice my feet and butts to pay full but stand huh So it’s ironic when the bus’s gone, but I and Uti still stuck in Pasar Minggu. Faid said that we can take the bus to Purwokerto first at the terminal, and then find a bus to Wonosobo. Well, at first, i became a lazy one, like a hopeless girl stuck at the terminal.

Hm….. After we arrive at the terminal, we asked to the people in there and so many tickets to Purwokerto have been sold too! Super duper hectic! but they said, that D*wi S*i Bus will be departed at 7 pm, and it’s the last bus, so we must hurry! And we got the ticket though it’s more expensive because tomorrow is Lebaran Eid Adha. Because I was so tired and confused about where to wait, i got an idea to wait at the Dishub office lol (good idea right?) The people were soo nice, we’ve been guided about the real condition in terminal and bla bla bla. At 7 pm, we’re preparing to take the bus because the bus’ll be departed, and we thanked them sooo much for letting us stay in their office and they said to always take care aaw so sweet.

So we took the bus, take a seat in number 31-32,ugh it’s souncomfortable, so narrow. I can put on my knees 😦 the traffic from jakarta to subang was the worst!! we’re getting stuck about 6 hours, can you imagine? There’re a lot of people who didnt get a seat, so they’re stand up or sit on the floor, yeah that was malam takbiran (night before Eid) so everybody wanted to go to their hometown.

At 9am, we finally arrived in Tegal, had a transit there to go to Purwokerto with another bus, but the free bus fro De*i S*i was sooooo full of people, even it’s the non AC one! Gah how could i spent 3 hours by standing to reach the destination? So we waited for another bus, 3  bus have passed and they all full of people! Look at the watch and it’s 11am, Goood i feel so disappointed with the services, when i asked to the people in that agent, she asked us to wait for another bus, ugh, would I? No!
I finally went to the back of terminal and grab a bus to Purwokerto, it cost 25,000 rupiahs or 20,000 rupiahs (Kurnia) and i do feel better because im getting closer to the destination. In 3 hours we finally got there, and took a bus to Wonosobo, named Cebong (Im serious) We got a seat, but there’re a lot of people hopped in to the bus and it fees like the bus will be explode in no time. So not human since the driver always took the people to get to the bus, what’s he thinking? i feel soooo emotional and the time ticked soooo long!!! Ugh i cant imagine how’s my face, my skin, never feel the water in almost 20 hours!
One by one passengers already reached the destination, but it feels like forever to us, my head felt so dizzy, hungry, thirsty and all the bad things happened to us T___T The bus which’s so full like it’s gonna explode finally left by the passengers, and we’re 6 left in the bus (both of us and another passengers). Finally at 4pm we finally arrived in Wonosobo. Can you imagine how free it was?
Like it didnt meet the end, we had to take angkot once again to reach the market where Faid’ll pick us there (Faid has arrived in Wonosobo at 8am, pity us). I really feel so nice because the weather is so good, and it was cool, in real meaning. About 10 mins finally we arrived at the market and we waited for Faid because he said that he was on his way. Not a long time finally we hopped on the car, we’re introduced to his father and lil brother, Adit. Nging nging nging because i was sooo tired, so i fell to sleep in no time, and when i opened my eyes, it’s raining.. Feel so cold, really cold.

Dieng, Dieng, Dieng–A Place Called Home Part 1


So, tiba-tiba kepengen nulis. Padahal masih bingung apa yang mau ditulis, tapi yaudahlah ya pasti ntar juga ngalir walaupun malah jadi muter-muter. Hari ini masih masa liburan yang amat sangat panjang, gue pun masih menikmati berbagai kesibukan yang mulai muncul seperti kepanitiaan yang lagi gue jalani dan yang akan gue jalani. Well, enjoy it because i made it as a decision. Tapi………………….. muncul berbagai godaan setan (sebenernya ngga sih tapi gue aja yang agak berlebihan). Godaannya apa tebaaak? Yap jalan-jalan! Wisata di Indonesia. Entah kenapa gue suka banget yang namanya jalan-jalan. entah di jakarta ataupun ke luar kota (apalagi gratisan, ya minimal murah lah) gue seneng banget paraaaah. Dan gue lagi bener-bener ngidam ke pantai!!!!!!! Missed the sands, the weather and all of it. Tadinya mau banget ke Pulau Sempu bareng sama anak Backpacker Solo, tapi apa daya ternyata ada Rapat Pleno Perdana di kepanitiaan yang akan gue jalanin, jadi dengan amat sangat terpaksa banget harus gue batalin (nangis di pojokan). Sedih banget, tapi mungkin ini salah satu cara gue untuk menghemat, ya padahal sih ngga juga. Karena apa? Yak karena ada Fabregas mau dateng terus gue HARUS SANGAT WAJIB KUDU MESTI nonton dia karena dia mau tanding dan gue mau nonton deket biar keliatan, jadilah gue beli tiket yang ehm cukup menyita isi dompet sehingga ngga jadi menghemat, tapi yaudahlah ya yang penting ketemu Fabregas woooooooiiiii *dancedancedance*
Kayaknya daritadi gue udah ngablu gajelas banget entah apa yang diomongin ya daritadi bener kan kata gue jadi muter-muter, so next post gue mau bahas tentang liburan kemarin gue ke Semarang-Solo-Klaten-Jogja dan perjuangan gue memburu tiket untuk nonton exhibition game nya Fabregas! Well see yoouuu soooon! Doakan saya ngga malas untuk ngepost yaaa 😀
