
Happy Thursday! How’s life?

For sure, i’m a lil bit confused about what to write in this post. My activities these days, are just laying my body in the bed, waiting for the rain to stop. Agh i hate the situation when my mind and body stuck in one place. So, im doing this browsing things. Reading some articles, books or whatever in order to make my mind fresh and make a move! I found a web, thoughtcatalog.com, there’re sooo many articles which i found interesting, for me (and maybe for you too hoho)

Some articles are about stories, ideas, and voices that are unique, different. This time, i just wanna share some words, or can I say sentences that i quoted from the articles šŸ˜‰

Irreplaceable doesnā€™t quite mean necessary, but when someone finds you irreplaceable, that means you and you alone, offer them something that NOBODY else amongst the billions of other people in this planet can. If itā€™s your jokes, they can meet other comedians. If itā€™s your advice, they can find amateur therapists. If itā€™s your happiness and love for life, there are other blissful people to hang out with. Yes, those people may be lovely, they may be similar to you or capable or imitating your ways, but thereā€™s nobody who can be you, like you. – How To Be Irreplaceable, Christopher HudspethĀ 

If you donā€™t take risks, your life will forever stay the same, which is fine. You prefer it that way. You donā€™t want to have to deal with any unexpected twists and turns, any switches in the narrative. You are determined to never lose control. You gave it away once and look how far it got you.
You find great comfort in the familiar, even though the familiar is actually whatā€™s killing you. You are wrapping your arms around the very thing thatā€™s going to cheat you out of everything. You should be fucking terrified. -The Fear of Getting Hurt Again, Ryan O’Connell

I hate you. Every time I see a couple walking down the street in that obnoxious, we-canā€™t-stand-to-be-separated-so-we-lock-arms-around-each-otherā€™s-waists-and-block-the-whole-goddamn-sidewalk way, I vomit all over myself and scream internally. Okay, I donā€™t vomit, but I suddenly hate everything around me. I have to be like, ā€œExcuse me, let me break up your family Christmas card photoshoot and push my way through with my giant cup of coffee and my dark, stinky aloneness. Sorry for bringing your day down with my presence, you can go back to your regularly scheduled ā€œstaring longingly into each otherā€™s eyesā€ now. Ugh. -Dear Happy Couples: I Hate You, Charlotte GreenĀ  for me, it’s funny, and ugh, so true šŸ˜¦

Please know that Iā€™ll stop reaching out. Iā€™ll stop making a fool of myself. Iā€™ll stop being this person that I never wanted to be. I am working every day on making my life something beautiful and fresh and interesting, something that has nothing to do with you. And I hold nothing against you ā€” even if I wish I could, even if that would make everything so much easier ā€” but I know I canā€™t be around you. Iā€™m working up the courage to phase you out of my life (and my mind) completely, so that one day you can enter and leave as any other pleasant acquaintance might. Because Iā€™d love to just run into you in a grocery store one day and have a nice little chat about what weā€™ve been up to, then go about my day as if nothing happened. But right now, I know that I couldnā€™t. I know that seeing you unexpectedly would destroy me. One day, I will get there, though. Iā€™ll be me again, and Iā€™ll have forgotten this brief interlude of sorrow. I hope you meet me when Iā€™m that person, so you can forget who I am today. – I Want To Forget, Charlotte Green (for any people who cannot move on, well i think this one might help)

Listen, you are determined. Weā€™re going to keep thinking today sucks no matter what so we may as well commit to it and stop trying to push away those thick rain clouds. Okay, so. Today sucks. It sucks because we canā€™t control it ā€” or hell, anything. It sucks because we have to be somewhere we donā€™t want to be. It sucks because we have errands and chores and responsibilities. It sucks because we have to get out of bed and it sucks because we donā€™t have anything to get out of bed for. Thereā€™s too much work to do. Thereā€™s not enough work ā€” holy shit, how are you going to get paid?Ā 
Do you get it? Thereā€™s always a reason today is going to suck. So maybe we just have to take that in our hearts, and know that, and move on from it immediately ā€” like, as soon as we wake up. And then, once weā€™ve moved on, weā€™re past it and the day wonā€™t suck anymore. Does that make sense? I donā€™t know Iā€™m having a sucky day. -Today Sucks, Gaby DunnĀ 

I really donā€™t understand how ā€œCall Me Maybeā€ ended up being such a hit song, considering everyone is deathly afraid of using the phone. We scream bloody murder every time our phone rings, sometimes even going so far as to smash it against the wall, and now we have some Canadian pop singer encouraging us to go up to a STRANGER (ā€œHey, I just met you, and this is crazyā€¦ā€) and tell them to call us, like on their phone? Is this bitch INSANE? Sheā€™s clearly what they call a stage five clinger. I actually am experiencing so much second-hand embarrassment for Carly Rae Jepsen right now. I canā€™t believe she told someone to call her and then made a song about it. WOW. Very brave lady albeit sorely misguided. Have fun being single forever, I guess. Clearly you donā€™t know that calling someone is a major no-no, punishable to up to ten years of celibacy. You only call someone if a friend or family member has died and even then, you could still just text it. ā€œSarah died. Iā€™ll text you later about it though. Iā€™m in a movie right now.ā€
Also, donā€™t even think of Facebook chatting with them. Facebook chat is the lowest form of communication. The only people who do it are your best friend from the third grade and your aunt. Sending smoke signals would be cooler.
-5 Things You Aren’t Allowed To Do If You Have a Crush on Someone, Ryan O’Connell (SUPER FUNNY LOL)

Well, there’re some words that i quoted from the articles that i read, wish you enjoy! And share yours :))

All belongs to thoughtcatalog.com šŸ˜€


Traveller Quotes

Hello, udah lama banget ngga nulis, entah mengapa koneksi internet lagi ngga mendukung, modem angot-angotan, padahal udah dikasih makan, jadilah gue ngga nulis-nulis. Akhir-akhir ini gue lagi seneng banget jalan-jalan, ya emang dari dulu sih, tapi karena gue kuliah trs dapet liburnya lama banget bangetan, 3 bulan booo, dan gue alhamdulillah dapet beasiswa, ditambah sering nabung, jadilah gue sering jalan-jalan, bahasa kerennya sih ya ngetrip. Pengen sih nulis tentang perjalanan gue kemarin-kemarin, tapi susah bener itu numbuhin rasa pengen nyeritain semuanya ehehe

Nah saat ini, gue sering banget melakukan blogwalking terus gue nemu beberapa quotes mengenai traveling, dan gue suka banget, seakan-akan travelling itu sudah mendarah daging ke berbagai lapisan manusia. Soo, ini beberapa quotes favorit gue:

ā€œPersonally I like going places where I don’t speak the language, don’t know anybody, don’t know my way around and don’t have any delusions that I’m in control. Disoriented, even frightened, I feel alive, awake in ways I never am at home.ā€ ā€• Michael Mewshaw

“A well traveled person with wide experience knows many things and talks sense. You can’t know much if you haven’t experienced much, but travel can make you more clever. In my own travels I have seen many things and learned more than I can put into words.” Sirach 34. 9-11

ā€œWe live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.ā€ ā€“ Jawaharial Nehru

ā€œOnce you have traveled, the voyage never endsā€¦ The mind can never break off from the journey.ā€ ā€“ Pat Conroy

–Ā  ā€œDonā€™t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you traveled.ā€ ā€“ MohammedĀ 

“To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, To gain all while you give, To roam the roads of lands remote: To travel is to live.” – Hans Christian AndersenĀ 

And my favorite one is: ā€Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didnā€™t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.ā€ ā€“ Mark Twain

So, which one is your fav?Ā 

Traveller Quotes